
Originally posted in 
E Vero Magazine

 Do you suffer from…? 


You are not alone. S.A.D. is common but can be managed.

I do, but I never knew it even existed until recently. I also never made the correlation until I went back to school and learned how to listen to my body.  I am not the only one that suffers from this and if you are a woman you are more likely to get it than a man would.

I suffer from SAD. Not sadness like an average person goes through, but Seasonal Affective Disorder. The definition from definition.com defines it as this: noun – recurrent winter depression characterized by oversleeping, overeating, and irritability, and relieved by the arrival of spring or by light therapy. Abbreviation:  SAD  Origin: 1980–85
4 – 6 percent of the population has S.A.D.s it is 4 times more common in women than men. The further north you go the greater chances of you suffering from it.

For most people it hits the same time every year, mainly around the time that the days get shorter and the nights get longer.  I suffer from it all through the year; the weather affects my mood.

Symptoms: difficulty waking up in the morning, weight gain, change in eating habits, irritability, morning sickness, tendency to oversleep and overeat, lack of energy, difficulty concentrating or completing tasks, withdrawal from friends, family, and social activities, and decreased sex drive, moody and easily overwhelmed.

The symptoms could spiral into a deeper depression if left untreated and can cause body aches and pains. Depression hurts mentally and physically. Please get professional help if needed, especially if you feel you want to do harm to you or someone else.

The good news is once you are mindful of what is going on you can control it! Here are a few tips.

If you are like me you will crave all the comfort foods, ice cream, cake, pizza, bread, macaroni and cheese and my favorite – Buffalo wings loaded with BBQ sauce.  SAD thing is giving into your cravings will increase your symptoms. It is important to recognize and not give into these cravings. Avoid processed sugar, gluten, simple carbohydrates, and fried foods.  The following are some tips to get you up and going.

Food choices –  choose complex carbohydrates, increase Omega 3’s and Vitamin D. Ex: complex carbohydrates: potatoes, apples, oatmeal, brown rice, lentils, and beans; omega 3’s ex.: walnuts, flax seed, grass fed eggs, edamame, wild rice, and chia seeds; vitamin D ex.: grass fed raised food, cod liver oil, fish, oysters, and mushrooms. (Vitamin D supplement must be D3).  More ideas http://www.buzzle.com/articles/complex-carbohydrates-list.html

Exercise – your body needs it. Exercise not only gets your blood pumping through your body but it also triggers hormones to be released, like serotonin which will perk up your mood.  Allow yourself some down time – lie on the couch if necessary but don’t let SAD take over your life. (I spent 4 days on the couch watching Christmas movies, luckily Sunday came around. Church got me up and going and the sun was shining or I would probably still be there)

Support/accountability – Have someone that you can trust who really knows you keep an eye on you this will help you realize you are sliding backward. Sometimes we just don’t notice it.

Rest – Regular sleep pattern – It is important to get a good night’s rest. Get in a routine of sleeping at the same time every night and waking up at the same time.

Essential Oils (optional)- I love my Therapeutic Essential Oils. Any citrus oil will boost your mood and Lavender soothes the anxiety.  Diffusing it through the room is a great idea. I use them on a diffusing necklace ~  find yours here.

Cheerful Diffuser Blend – 2 drops uplifting Clary Sage * 2 drops stimulating Geranium * 1 drop comforting Cedarwood – Diluted with a carrier oil such as  Projoba oil, coconut oil, almond oil if putting on skin. If using on an diffuser necklace use 1 drop full strength. (I use these essential oils)

SAD Lamp – There are many types of lamps that are designed to help with SAD. I have never used one or researched them. Make sure to buy real Himalayan Salt lamp one that you can actually eat. Here is one that I found. http://sunbox.com/

Remember – You aren’t alone, this is a true ailment. You are beautiful, give yourself hugs and love. Be kind to yourself. Be mindful of what is going on in your body.

Hugs and Blessings

Vicki Manuel

Update: I have recently added the 90 for Life Healthy Start Pack from Youngevity into my diet and have had great success in many ways including my mood boosts.
90 essential nutrients are at the very center of Youngevity’s commitment to improving lives through science-based, high quality nutrition. The 90 essential nutrients form the basis for Youngevity’s signature Healthy Body Start Pak

For more information contact me today or go to http://vickimanuel.my90forlife.com/
to listen to Dr. Joel Wallach’s Dead Doctor Don’t Lie CD click here.

How to Remedy Depression with Minerals from Dr Wallach and Youngevity click here

For more information go to:

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